11 February 2008

Should customs search travelers' laptops?

Yet another step toward becoming a "Big Brother" state and negating the Constitution and our freedom.

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07 February 2008

Evangelicals a Liberal Can Love

Bleeding-heart liberals could accomplish far more if they reached out to build common cause with bleeding-heart conservatives.

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04 February 2008

Election 2008: Add Women, Change Everything?

Women are currently underrepresented in politics in all areas, but have demonstrated an ability to work with others from diverse viewpoints and backgrounds to come to a unified solution. They tend to include diverse viewpoints in decision making, have a broader conception of public policy, and offer new solutions for problems that men may be unaware of.

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Obama Offers Presidential Leadership Among the Ruins

Why we are ready for the audacity of hope! Who better to clean up after Bush than someone who actually respects the Constitution and does not disdain the checks and balances our country was founded upon, and is willing to work "across the aisle," rather than the "my-way-or-the-highway" approach of Bush.

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01 February 2008

"Unlikely Allies"-Corporate Social Responsibility

Could gigantic profit-making corporations actually be convinced to change their practices? Why yes, they can! There's a growing movement of concerned shareholders and citizens challenged big businesses to change their practices on many fronts, one being environmental issues. Check it out...

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