04 January 2008

Portrait of Exploitation: The Real Face of Prostitution by Laura Coltier

This article (click on the title link), published in PRISM magazine portrays the disturbing realities of prostitution in the United States. While there certainly are women who choose to be prostitutes and choose to remain prostitutes, this article suggests that many women do not choose to be or remain prostitutes, and that it literally destroys them. This article is not for the faint of heart, but will potentially challenge some of your assumptions of prostitution in the US.

You may not read an article like this becuase you think either there is nothing for you to do or it's too disturbing, and you already know of enough terrible things in the world. If you are a Christian and believe prayer is important, then you will be able to pray with more knowledge of this situation. You could respond by writing to your representative or senator and let them know this concerns you. You could donate to one of the many organizations that is working to end human trafficking. You could talk about this issue with others and raise awareness so others will act as well. You could organize an event to raise awareness. If you have any other ideas, please post them here so others can be encouraged and inspired to act in whatever way they're able.


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