16 September 2007

Big Brother is watching us all

this does not look good...I feel less safe now than I did before all the increased security measures. This might only perpetuate greater fear than most feel already. Would it actually make us safer, would people being able to see into our homes, through the walls, without our knowledge, make us safer?

read more digg story


Julie said...

woah, that's creepy

Austin Eisele said...

This reminds me of a novel I read by Phil K. Dick, "Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said". It is brilliant, because it looks the "psychological" effects of a surrveillance society.
Of course, Foucault said about the coolest thing ever about the modern surrveillance society: the soul is the prison of the body...I think what he meant (and this article points to it, i.e. identification by the gait) was that by focusing on psychological constraint (big brother is watching, instead of torturing, you), modern governments have created the soul as an object of control...